Jonathan Toews: Water Bottle Pop – Why this ad campaign is great

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Watch Jonathan Toews as he snipes water bottles. Manufacturers should take note of what Bauer is doing with it’s new product launches. We no longer live in a time period in which celebrity spokespeople looking into a camera and telling you how awesome the product is and why you should buy it. The hockey community is smart enough to know professional athletes use modified versions of the equipment that we have and don’t buy the product only because of a player endorsement.

We spoke Marketing expert Lee Elias (Author of “Think Like A Fan“) about the most recent ad campaign.

“Bauer understands that their fanbase already keep up with developments in their brand. They know they don’t need to baby their audience to get their message across. The #SetYourSights‬ campaign speaks WITH their fanbase and not AT their fanbase by inviting them to a front row seat to witness Jonathan Toews phenomenal show of accuracy. Hockey companies are wising up that showing skill is more important that sizzle.” – Marketing expert Lee Elias (Author of “Think Like A Fan“) 



This is just the newest of several skill based campaigns in the last few seasons.

We’ve seen Evander Kane smoothly and precisely snipe bottles on top of the goal.. Incredible skill and accuracy.

Sidney Crosby demonstrates his pin point accuracy by demolishing a puck pyramid. Let’s not forget about the last puck that gets sniped mid roll.

Which has been your favourite hockey advertisement campaign recently?

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