How To Backhand Topshelf – Shoot top shelf on your back hand tutorial for beginners

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This video tutorial will show you step by step how to shoot topshelf with your backhand. This video shows a skill that too many hockey players ignore. working on your backhand will guarantee that you score more goals. I’ve seen to many players try and shoot on their backhand and just shovel the puck into the goalies pad and glove. This wouldn’t happen if they mastered their backhand.

how to backhand topshelf in hockey - shoot top shelf video tutoiral step by step

If you can already raise the puck on your backhand then I think the biggest point that helps you get it top shelf is in the follow through, having the puck on the heel of the blade and how much power you put into your backhand. If you put a lot of power on your follow through, the puck stays on the sticks blade longer giving you more time to guide the puck right where you want it. The harder your follow through on the backhand is, the more time the puck will be on the blade of the stick, and the more time you will have to aim the puck. Check out the this video for more tips.

Step one powerful backhand – holding the stick

In terms of your hand placement on the stick, you want your top hand at the top of the sticks shaft (of course) and your bottom hand roughly around half way down the sticks shaft. This will not only give you more control, but it will help you put more power into the shot.

how to backhand topshelf - how to shoot back hand top shelf in hockey step by step


Step Two – Hockey stance

Your hockey stance is important while practicing practically everything. Remember to keep a wide base with feet around shoulder width apart and a good knee bend for overall control while shooting.

how to backhand topshelf - how to shoot back hand top shelf in hockey step by step stance

Step three – pull the puck back to generate momentum 

Drawing the puck back before firing your backhand will create momentum that will generate more power when you try and snipe top shelf. The extra momentum and power will also keep the puck on the sticks blade for a longer period, allowing you more time to aim and snipe. Remember to transfer your weight from the leg closes to the net to the leg furthest from the net as you pull the puck back. Transfer your weight to get more power into the shot by using your whole body.

how to backhand topshelf - how to shoot back hand top shelf in hockey step by step pull puck back


Step four – Puck position on blade

You’ll want to have the puck positioned around the heel of the sticks blade. As the backhand of the stick doesnt have that nice curve for the puck to be cradled by, keeping the puck on the heel will help prevent it from rolling off in the wrong direction while trying to shoot backhand.

how to backhand topshelf - how to shoot back hand top shelf in hockey step by step heel of blade


Step Five – follow through with power

The follow through is where the magic happens. After your draw the puck back and fire your backhand, you need to put a lot of power into the follow through. This will help keep the puck on the sticks blade allowing you time to drive your stick high into the top shelf. Remember to use your arms (top hand pushes down, bottom hand pulls up) to generate more power while shooting. Follow through to your target (or space above the goalies pads).

how to backhand topshelf - how to shoot back hand top shelf in hockey step by step follow through goal target

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